

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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SEARCH RESULTS FOR: Photojunction Store

This will be our third release in three months - notice a trend? The last two were betas adding the new features you've wanted and now this final builds on them to give a stable platform to start 2010.  So to jog your memory here are a few of our favourites... Photojunction 1.32b (release notes) Alignment got some serious attention (accuracy, stickiness, and clarity) Centering got smart (wings, flips, and panoramic) "Undo" got a speed boost ('nuf said) Photojunction 1.33b (release notes) Start window got a makeover (uploads, blog, store and more) Instant Slideshow got resurrected from Retro To View More >>

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Where do I find templates? In the Photojunction Store. You'll find the link to it on the Photojunction home screen (bottom right corner in case you missed it). You can search for templates by size (14x10), orientation (Horizontal) and style (simple), or by the template designer if you know who they are. Here's a bit more info about the Photojunction Store. And if you're interested in selling your own templates, here's a blog post worth reading. HTH PJ Support Team PS Check out Danny's 437 tips to boosting your template sales! To View More >>

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Do you know how many people are too busy to design albums? Or are under-confident about album design? Or can't figure out the PJ alignment tools (surely not)? ;) And do you know how many people have downloaded Photojunction since we made it free? I didn't think so. But that adds up to a big market ... and you already have the templates. All you need to do is add them to the Store. Just do it. Cheers, Danny (motivational expert). There you go ... #437 ... just a few gaps to fill in. Got more? To View More >>

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Talk about your products. Tweet, Facebook, blog whatever. We're doing our bit to promote the store, but it's your job to get them to come to you. And don't just talk about your own templates. Talk about the "Photojunction Store" itself. More in the Store. The more the merrier. Next tip. Danny (social media man) To View More >>

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The Photojunction Store has been up and running for nearly a month, which means very soon, it's payday for those who have made some sales. We know it's unusual to get excited about paying others, but we're super excited about the number of people who are due to receive a wee boost to their income this month. Including one who will have to figure out what to do with the extra US$200 they've made! Selling your work in the Photojunction Store is easy-peasy, so make sure you don't miss out on a potential payday next month, and get your stuff uploaded! Cheers, Danny To View More >>

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